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Met you along time ago.. i remember your face.. you were trying to make it in, want my time or place.. you'll make it in, for sure... you got in my head and i don't want to go..
As i sat down beside you on the floor.. this is so much scarier than before.. scary in a beautiful place.. you'll make it big, for sure.. this isnt a dream and i dont wanna go..
And if i wake up i hope you'll be by my side.. making it good making me feel alive, give in to this and i will be your guide, you wont need your mask and you wont have to hide.....
wauw little me
ik blijf me verbazen over je sterke meid..
What does'nt Kill you,Makes You stronger
thanx angel.. van je af
thanx angel.. van je af schrijven maar he? ppff.. ben wakker want moest een vriend naar schiphol brengen.. en jah.. dan zit je alleen in de auto.. rij je de weg die je altijd samen reed.. shit man.. i dont understand.. voel me echt weer als die dream.. hem uit onmacht helemaal de ***** slaan.. beat the fuck outta him... damn.. well.. moet weer werken.. so gotta get me some sleep.. well.. i'll try.. nog even een stukje text... yeah.. its angry.. how i feel...
- how the hell did you get so fucking far in your life you're a sucky ass liar, blaming and blaming its always someone elses fault, you're never wrong.. you're a god!!!
hey who the hell let you in? i dont know you! nothing changed , shame, why are you still around, walking us into the fucking ground! who do you think you are? get your fat fingers outta my cookiejar!!! -
little me
komt goed,meis....
ik zie je op msn.
dikke knuffel..