the myth of..... trusting someone

afbeelding van Shapeshifter

Another thing I've recently learned, the myth of trusting someone.
I used to think that I could put all my trust in someone, trusting on every word that was said and believing that everything that was said was really true, Well I guess that was just a myth. I have a personality that is forward, I say what I think, so everything I say comes directly from my mind and/or heart. I like to think that I'm a honest guy, someone that doesn't lie about important things, someone that doesn't keep the things that matter to himself when it could have an impact on the people I love and care about (what obviously is a relative feeling). I found out that some people only think about themselves , no matter what the consequences for the people close to them. Because of these recent leaning-progress it is hard for me to trust anyone, hard not to thing about recent events. I'm starting to have doubts about everything, from what people say or think to the definition of really loving someone.I think that most people just say what you want to hear instead of confronting things by saying what they really think.

My dad had some words of wisdom for me, trying to help me with my problems: "There's a difference between saying that you love someone and really loving someone," there's a lot of truth in those words. You could say that you love someone everyday, but if you don't show it, then those word lose all their meaning.

If the one week you say hat you love the other and a week later you don't, was it really true what was said, or was it just what I wanted to hear. Did I trust those words to much? It's not that I don't trust anyone, 'cause I trust my family and close friends 100%, but it has become harder for me to trust anyone else.

The trust issue is one of the my things that has come to me the last weeks. I don't like who I have become the last weeks, I have developed a shield around me, not trusting anyone, a lack of spontaneity and an overkill of being restless. And this all because of one thing, how one single thing can change your life and perspective to the rest of the world completely. I can still remember how I was like a few months ago, I was happy, really happy and I thought that feeling would never end, I thought that it would be forever (probably a little naive) and I guess I was wrong. It;s all over now, and I still wish it wasn't so. I wish I still had my trust, trust in what was, is and will be...

afbeelding van ivlas

het is net of

het is net of ik mezelf hoor praten hier. Voor mij voelt het precies hetzelfde. Zoveel mensen die met mooie woorden komen maar hun daden zijn er niet naar. Of ik verwacht gewoon teveel van mensen. Maar Shapeshifter je schrijft ´all because of one thing, one single thing´. Daar heb je gelijk het is maar 1 ding, maar volgens mij een van de belangrijkste dingen. Als je niet meer op je eigen intuitie wat betreft vertrouwen kunt bouwen, dan wordt het leven heel moeilijk toch. Als je erachter komt dan 70% van de mensen gewoon liegt en met mooie woorden komt, en vertelt ik vind je leuk en lief en vervolgens een week erna weer niks meer laat horen. Dan kun je twee dingen doen. Of je bouwt idd een muur om je heen wat ik nu ook doe, dat maakt de wereld een stuk minder leuk want je benadert mensen gewoon met wantrouwen en je gaat er eigenlijk al vanuit dat ze toch niet menen wat ze zeggen. Daardoor kun je je zelf ook niet meer volledig geven. Soms vergeet ik dat ik leef, eerlijk waar. Ik ben alleen nog maar bezig met twijfelen en negatief zijn. Of tweede optie: je leeft naief verder vertrouwt iedereen en wordt waarschijnlijk wel gekwetst. Misschien is die laatste toch leuker, uiteindelijk want de eerste optie daar word ik heel erg verbitterd van merk ik zelf...